Item data
Item Type:
Pitchford, John
Sent from:
Norwich, Norfolk
Smith, Sir James Edward
His considerations and advice on Linnaean collections, following discussion with Smith's father [James Smith]: recommends Smith focus on his medical studies, and after arranging and cataloguing it to his satisfaction he should decide what parts, if any, to dispose of; if Smith intends to give lectures then neither the minerals, plants, or insects can be disposed of. Recommends caution on publishing new editions of Linnaeus' works from the manuscripts, and suggests publishing a "Flora Britannica" in "Linnaean dress", if Smith can obtain [John] Ray's plants or verify his synonyms. Danger if exhibiting the plants of being pre-empted in publication of new English plants.
[Richard] Relhan has gathered 'Athamanta oreoselinum' Hudson and named by him 'A. hibanotis'. Hudson has found 'Corrigiola littoralis' on Devon coast.
Letter date:
26 Nov 1784
Prev Ref No:
Additional Information:
Note type | Note |
Additional | Smith replied 23 Dec [1784] |
Finding Aids | Dawson, W R (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society. |
Related Material | Smith, J E, (1800-1804). "Flora Britannica" London: Davis. |
Publn Note | Smith, P (ed.), (1832). "Memoir and correspondence of... Sir James Edward Smith" London: Longman, vol 1, pp.128-131 |