Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith

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Ref No GB-110/JES/COR/18/113
Title Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith
Letter date 16 Nov 1797
Author(s) Thomas Jenkinson Woodward 1745-1820
Number of Pages 4

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GB-110/JES/COR/18/113 from Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith (16 November 1797)

Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/18/113 from Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith (16 November 1797) Close

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Item Type: Document
From: Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson
Sent from: Bungay, Suffolk
To: Smith, Sir James Edward

Thanks for Smith's letter of 4 November [1797]; pleased by account of favourable turn in [Mariamne] Johnes condition; recommends book just published in Paris detailing similar cases, "Observations sur la nature et sur le traitment du Rachitisme, pur M. Poral". Steady recovery of Mrs Manning [Woodward's mother-in-law], in spite of her old age.
Reexamined all his 'Bromus' specimens and found that 'B. erectus' is ciliated; notes on this. [John] Stackhouse has a new 'Medusa' for Smith, and a nondescript bird with description for Linnean Society [see RelatedMaterial below]. Glad Oxford has a professor "more liberal minded" than [John] Sibthorp; "mysteries & secrets in scientific matters never answer any other purpose than to hurt the character of the person who deals in them". Thinks the 'Tordglium maximum' and 'T. officinale' must be erroneous, knowing that the habitats given for them are the same place.

Letter date: 16 Nov 1797
Languages: English
Prev Ref No: 18.232
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Related MaterialStackhouse, J. "On Motacilla ulicicola, the Slender Tailed Furzeling." Read 6/3/1798.