Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith, 10 Paradise Row, Chelsea, [London]

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Ref No GB-110/JES/COR/18/21
Title Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith, 10 Paradise Row, Chelsea, [London]
Letter date 9 Jun 1785
Author(s) Thomas Jenkinson Woodward 1745-1820
Number of Pages 4

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GB-110/JES/COR/18/21 from Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith, 10 Paradise Row, Chelsea, [London] (9 June 1785)

Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/18/21 from Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Bungay, [Suffolk], to James Edward Smith, 10 Paradise Row, Chelsea, [London] (9 June 1785) Close

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Item Type: Document
From: Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson
Sent from: Bungay, Suffolk
To: Smith, Sir James Edward
Sent to location: London

Replied to Smith's letter of 19 May [1785]. Remarks on Smith's proposed "Flora Britannica"; can wait for Smith to finish his Edinburgh studies to ensure it is perfect; convinced many plants not in [John] Lightfoot will be found in Scotland; Smith may finish before [William] Withering's ["Botanical arrangement"]. Withering publishing a pamphlet on medicinal properties of 'Digitalis'. Received [James] Dickson's "Fasciculus", remarks on plants: 'Hypnum stellatum', 'Targionia hypophylla', 'Sphaeria maxima', 'Lycoperdon fraxinum'. Dickson and Smith's Oxford journey postponed. Fossils: commissions Smith to purchase books for him.
Finds that the 'Melampyrum sylsaticum' in woods near Bungay is 'M. pratense'; 'Scleranthus perrenis' plentiful here and near Norwich. Minerals. Discusses Linnaean collections; glad Smith is not disposing of the fossils yet. Commissions for White's [bookseller]. Account of a balloon ascent at Norwich, by Mr Decker, in stormy conditions. He and [Robert] Stone [(c 1751-1829), botanist] are to botanise on Suffolk coast in July.
Postscript at top of verso of first folio: has two young plants from seed of 'Rumex paludosus' from Dr [John] Hope's garden; observations.

Letter date: 9 Jun 1785
Languages: English
Prev Ref No: 18.41
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Related MaterialFor Smith's letter of 19 May 1785, to which this is a reply, see JES/COR/18/20. Smith, J E, (1800-1804). "Flora Britannica" London: Davis. Lightfoot, J, (1777). "Flora Scotica" London: B. White. Withering, W, and Stokes, J, (1787-1792). "A botanical arrangement of British plants... The second edition... including a new set of references to figures by Jonathan Stokes." Birmingham: Robinson. Dickson, J, (1785-1801). "Fasciculus plantarum cryptogamicarum Britanniae." Londinum: [privately].