Mary Watson-Wentworth to James Edward Smith

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Ref No GB-110/JES/COR/15/135
Title Mary Watson-Wentworth to James Edward Smith
Letter date 30 May 1803
Author(s) Mary Watson- Wentworth 1735-1804
Number of Pages 4

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GB-110/JES/COR/15/135 from Mary Watson-Wentworth to James Edward Smith (30 May 1803)

Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/15/135 from Mary Watson-Wentworth to James Edward Smith (30 May 1803) Close

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Item Type: Document
From: Wentworth, Mary Watson-
To: Smith, Sir James Edward

Sends a sucking-pig to Smith for [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert's table tomorrow and recommends that it is roasted whole, including head and not with "the limbs cut off, as is the fashion of some cooks to send them up". Thanks for "the rich present of bulbs" and asks that Smith's "young man" provides a list. Her Sierra Leone white lily now has six flowers and "is a great height & has a noble appearance". Gratified by the possibility of peace, which she credits the "eloquent display of the wise & honest sentiments of my friend Mr Fox" for.
Smith was kind to her dogs and they have tried the vitriol but they still scratch. Her health indifferent from spasms. Hopes Smith's eye will not suffer on his journey.

Letter date: 30 May 1803
Languages: English
Prev Ref No: 15.259
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Finding AidsDawson, W R (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society.