Samuel Goodenough to Sir James Edward Smith

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Ref No GB-110/JES/COR/12/76
Title Samuel Goodenough to Sir James Edward Smith
Letter date 14 Mar 1822
Author(s) Samuel Goodenough 1743-1827
Number of Pages 4

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GB-110/JES/COR/12/76 from Samuel Goodenough to Sir James Edward Smith (14 March 1822)

Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/12/76 from Samuel Goodenough to Sir James Edward Smith (14 March 1822) Close

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Item Type: Document
From: Goodenough, Samuel
To: Smith, Sir James Edward

Explains further his remarks on accenting plant names. [Augustin] de Candolle's term "carpella" should be "carpelli". Cannot work out term "sepala" but thinks Smith need not use it. Prefers older name of 'Spartina' for 'Dactylis stricta' rather than newer 'Limnetis'. Franked Smith's letter to [William] Roscoe. Attended Sir Humphry Davy's conversazione but did not hear anything about [William] Swainson's application to British Museum. In reference to fifty year age difference between Thomas William Coke and his new wife [Lady Anne Amelia Keppel (1803-1844)] states that an age difference in marriage of three to ten years is "disparity enough" but as the love was from her side Coke may be excused.

Letter date: 14 Mar 1822
Languages: English
Prev Ref No: 12.142
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AdditionalSmith replied 17 [Mar 1822]
Related MaterialFor Smith's letter of 13 March 1822, to which this is a reply, see JES/COR/12/75.
Publn NoteSmith, P (ed.), (1832). "Memoir and correspondence of... Sir James Edward Smith" London: Longman, vol 1, pp.605-606.