Samuel Goodenough, Berners Street, London, to Sir James Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk]

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Ref No GB-110/JES/COR/12/30
Title Samuel Goodenough, Berners Street, London, to Sir James Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk]
Letter date 22 Jan 1817
Author(s) Samuel Goodenough 1743-1827
Number of Pages 4

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GB-110/JES/COR/12/30 from Samuel Goodenough, Berners Street, London, to Sir James Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk] (22 January 1817)

Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/12/30 from Samuel Goodenough, Berners Street, London, to Sir James Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk] (22 January 1817) Close

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Item Type: Document
From: Goodenough, Samuel
Sent from: London
To: Smith, Sir James Edward
Sent to location: Norwich, Norfolk

Attended Linnean Society Council meeting yesterday, along with [Alexander] Macleay, [Edward] Forster, [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, [Thomas] Thomson [(1773-1852), chemist], [Daniel] Moore, and [Joseph] Sabine. Unanimous resolution reached that [Thomas] Marsham should either "confess judgement", otherwise proceeded against immediately as it would then be clear he has no intention to repay his debt. Macleay read a letter from Marsham defending himself; Goodenough also received a letter from Marsham bragging of his honour, that he will repay the principal and interest shortly, and that he borrowed the money from the Society. Goodenough's good opinion of Marsham entirely changed and will not allow any consideration of him stand in the way of the welfare of the Society.

Letter date: 22 Jan 1817
Languages: English
Prev Ref No: 12.53
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AdditionalSmith replied 28 [Jan 1817]