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Davies Giddy, Tredrea, [St Erth, Cornwall], to James Edward Smith
Letter date
18 Jun 1799
Davies Gilbert 1767-1839
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GB-110/JES/COR/5/29 from Davies Giddy, Tredrea, [St Erth, Cornwall], to James Edward Smith (18 June 1799)
Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/5/29 from Davies Giddy, Tredrea, [St Erth, Cornwall], to James Edward Smith (18 June 1799) Close
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Item Type:
Gilbert, Davies
Sent from:
St Erth, Cornwall
Smith, Sir James Edward
Missed [James] Sowerby's call at Tredrea, although the poor health of his father prevents it from being a station for long journeys. Pleased that Smith is to finish [John] Sibthorp's work on "Flora Graeca". Pleased with progress of "Flora Britannica", wishes that Cornwall had been previously visited and studied, believes some Cornish plants are at least varities of "those considered as English species".
Letter date:
18 Jun 1799
Prev Ref No:
Additional Information:
Note type | Note |
Publn Note | Smith, P (ed.), (1832). "Memoir and correspondence of... Sir James Edward Smith" London: Longman, vol 1, p.450. |
Related Material | Sibthorp, J, (1806-1837). "Flora Graeca", London: Taylor. Smith, J E, (1800-1804). "Flora Britannica" London: Davis. |
Finding Aids | Dawson, W R, (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society. |