Volume contains documents concerning pearl experiments put together by J T Bagge. There is a printed article, followed by numbered handwritten sheets, in Bagge's handwriting. Two of these documents are transcripts and translations of Linnaeus's documents on pearls sold to Peter Bagge in 1762.
- printed article: O. I. Fåhraeus (1859). Om perlfisket och Linnés hemliga konst att befordra perlbildningen hos musslor. "Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar", 16:3, pp 89-118.
- 1. 'Private memorandum for Mr Peter Dickson', concerning the documents Bagge's grandfather inherited from Linnaeus, and the presence of more documents and actual artificial pearls within J. E. Smith's collection of Linnaean material.
- 2. 'Transumt af Secreta Utlskottets Protokoll d. 20 Juni 1762.'
- 3. 'Extract from Charles Stuart Cochranes Journal during a residence and travels in Columbia. 2 vol. p. 140'
- 4. 'Transumt af Kongl. Maj. nådiga Bref till Kongl. Cammar Collegium, daterat Stockholms slott den 27 Februarii 1822', with the English translation, 'Extract from His Majesty's gracious letter to the Royal board of Trade, dated Stockholm's pallace the 27 February 1822'.
- 5. 'Copy of Sir James E. Smiths letter to J. P. Bagge. Holkham, Nofolk, Nov. 28 1821'
- 6. 'Statement', giving the history of Bagge's grandfather acquiring documents concernign the inoculation of mussels from Linnaeus.
- 7. 'This Document explains the Secret Art to inoculate pearl muscles [sic] so as to produce genuine Pearls.' Transcript in Swedish and English translation of a document sold by Linnaeus to Peter Bagge in 1762.
- 8. 'Ödmjukaste Memorial!', in Swedish with English translation 'Most humber Memorial!'. One of Linnaeus's documents concerning pearls and sold by Linnaeus to Bagge in 1762.