Full title: 'Flora Tartarica | Oreburgensis: | in itinere | Moscuâ-Utan | Ufâ-Oreburgum, | exinde | Baskirorum, Nagaiensiumq[ue], | Regiones in Sibiriam usq[ue], | juxta Uralenses Montes, | Per desertum Usense occidentem versus, | Orientem versus per deserta | Kirgis-Kaysaccorum & Chalmurcoum, | retroq[ue] | per Sibiriam & Uralenses Montes | |Ufam peracto | observata & collecta | a | Joanne Gottfried Heinzelmann | S. C. M. Historiographo, Societati | Oreburgensi a Sessionibus publicis | MDCCXXXVI'.
Lower down on the title page: 'NB hic Catalogus ab Ammano est. | Lib. Bar. Steno Bielke dono dedit Linnaeo' (the last line in Linnaeus's hand). Baron Sten Carl Bielke (1709-1753) was in correspondence with Carl Linnaeus in 1744 and 1745, forwarding him material and letters from Heinzelmann.
One of Heinzelmann's manuscripts from his botanical trip into eastern Russia, undertaken with Traugott Gerber around 1732, visiting the Volga and Don rivers.
Top right hand corner: 'Copia'. In unknown hand. List of numbered genera, to which Linnaeus has added binomials names (after 1753). Interleaves in another hand, resembling that of Linnaeus fil., listing the geographical origins of the listed genera.
'Flora Tartarica Oreburgensis'
Johann Gottfried [Heinzelmann 1731-1737