Linnaeus's lectures in the botanical garden of Uppsala, when he was teaching as a demonstrator from 3 May to 24 June 1731, on Olof Rudbeck's reccommendation.
Full title:
'Caroli Linnaei Smol. | demostr. pl. in Hort. ups. | Praelectiones Botanicae | Publicae | Institutae in Horto Botanico acade-|mico & publico Upsalienis a 3 | Maji ad 24 Jun Anni 1731. | ventilatae singlulis horis a meridie | 4tiq, exceptis diebus Lectionibus publicis | destituti, Loco Generos. Professoris | Dm Olavi Rudbeckii.'
[p. 2]: 'Methodus procedendi'
pp. 3 - 9: preface 'Auditorus exortatissimi salutem'. Rest of text in Swedish: 'it is finally July and the cold winter is over.' Description of summer: figs trees have buds - about the economy of nature and how it should be studied.
pp. 6-7: Botanical theory
p. 8: announces that he will be talking about the sex of plants the next day (in a lecture)
p. 9: he will talk about rare plants in the region Upland - makes a few remarks about the study of the virtues of plants. - 'Nil dicam quod mechanice explicare necvit'
pp 10 - 74: genera, following the structure of the methodus in the beginning: Latin name followed by Swedish name, includes 'supertitiones', 'usus'.
Seems to start with trees: hazel, poplar, willow - one page per one genus (more or less)
p. 19: doodles
p20: writing becomes a bit more chaotic
p. 22: text written upside down
p. 33: regular layout for each genus from then on.
p. 37: empty pages with just names of genus
p. 50: Viola crossed out
p. 67: 'Planta venenata indigena'
p. 69-70: blank
p. 71: list of genera, with their description on following pages, although not exactly in the same order, and not complete.
p. 72: fingerprint
'Praelectiones botanicae publicae'
Carl von Linné 1707-1778