Zoological taxonomic determinations of amphibians, written on loose sheets, with one genus per sheet.
- description of the class of amphibians, with physical characteristics, and the descriptions of 'reptiles' and 'serpentes'. Such an introduction is not present in the 1748 6th ed, and might therefore be a draft for the one in the 1758 10th edition.
- Taxonomic determinations of the following genera:
'Crocodilus', 'Caudisora' ['vipera'], 'Chameleo', 'Iguana', 'Constrictor', 'Lacerta', 'Anguis', 'Vipera', 'Haemorrhois', 'Seps', 'Dipsas', 'Ictus', 'Rana', 'Testuda', 'Aspis', 'Amphisbaena', 'Anguis', 'Naja', 'Angues'.
- the notes also comprise a list of species of snakes; notes on snake bites, with quotations from Pliny, Ovid ('Hercules occisa Hydra...'); notes on amphibia, including a list of amphibian not found in Sweden ('amphibia non suetice'?); notes on Cleopatra and the asp's bite; notes on antidotes, list of species of 'Lacerta' (lizards).
Carl von Linné 1707-1778