Zoological taxonomic determinations of birds, written on loose sheets, with one genus per sheet.
No use of binomials, indicating that the notes are closer in date to 1748.
The pages do not follow the order of the "Systema naturae" classification.
No specific eptithets.
- description of the class of birds, with physical characteristics, behaviour, migration. Such an introduction is not present in the 1748 6th ed, and might therefore be a draft for the one in the 1758 10th edition.
- Taxonomic determinations of the following genera:
'Pelecanus', 'Phoenicopterus', 'Anas', 'Mergus', 'Graculus', Colymbus', Alca', 'Larus', 'Fulica', 'Haematopus', 'Charadrius', 'Tringa', 'Numenius', 'Recurvirostra', 'Struthio', 'Casuarius', 'Pavo', 'Otis', 'Crax', 'Meleagris', 'Gallus', 'Phasianus', 'Tetrao', 'Psittacus', 'Strix', 'Hirundo', 'Trochilus', 'Loxia', 'Ampelis', 'Turdus', 'Sturnus', 'Parvus', 'Troglodytes', 'Procellaria', 'Falco', 'Ramphastos', 'Buceros', 'Cuculus', 'Picus', 'Sitta', 'Certhia', 'Upupa', 'Torquilla', 'Ispida', 'Grus', 'Paradisea', 'Corvus', 'Ciconia', 'Ardea', 'Columba', 'Fringilla', 'Alauda', 'Motacilla'.