Zoological taxonomic determinations of fishes, written on loose sheets, with one genus per sheet, with a folder entitled 'Pisces' in Linnaeus's hand. The genera names were inscribed on the page before information gleaned from readings was filled in the spaces allocated to each genus (between a page, half, and third of a page depending on the perceived importance of the genus). Many genera are left undescribed.
Some specific epithets (see 'Raja', 'Squalus') but few altogether.
Many references to species found in Skåne, but without the reference to the published travel account ("Skånska resa", 1751), indicating that these notes can be dated between 1749 (date of the journey) and 1751.
- general notes on fishes and cetaceans.
- Taxonomic determinations of the following genera:
'Balaena', 'Delphinus', 'Physeter', 'Trigla', 'Trachinus', 'Labnus', 'Mugil', 'Scomber', 'Xipias', 'Gobius', 'Blennius', 'Gymnotus', 'Anableps', 'Ophidion', 'Muraena', 'Anarhichas', 'Gadus', 'Stromateus', 'Perca', 'Sparus', 'Sciaena', 'Pleuronectes', 'Ammodytes', 'Coryphaena', 'Gastersteus', 'Chaetodon', 'Cottus', 'Zeus', 'Clupea', 'Cyrpinus', 'Raja', 'Squalus', 'Echeneis', 'Esox', 'Acipenser', 'Petromyzon', 'Lophius', 'Cycloptenes', 'Ostracion', 'Balistes', 'Salmo', 'Osmerus', 'Coregonus', 'Exocetus', 'Argentina', 'Cobitis', 'Syngnatus', 'Trichechus', ''Catodon'