Bound volume with Linnaeus's classification of diseases, in two parts:
1. pp. 5-20: Classification of diseases according to classes, orders and genera. The original 9 classes are 'Febriles', 'Inflammatorii', 'Spasmodici', 'Sideratorii', 'Spirituales' or 'Mentales', 'Dolorifici', 'Deformes', 'Evacuatorii', 'Vitia';
2. pp. 21-185: individual description of each genus (disease) and its species, with reference to medical literature.
The original text was corrected and amended at various points in the subsequent years. Considering some of these corrections appear in the 1741-1742 lecture notes 'Systema morborum' (LM/LP/MED/1/3/3), this manuscript probably predates the lecture notes.
Linnaeus possibly started this bound manuscript when he returned from the continent (1738) and practiced as a physician in Stockholm. This manuscript is earlier than the printed "Genera Morborum" (1759).
Title page: 'Caroli Linnaei | SYSTEMA | MORBORUM | [E Bibl. Linn. propria 1784. | J E Smith | Morbi Morbis curantur [line crossed out] | omne Medicamentum venenum | venenum est quod Excitat morbum | Morbi itaq[ue] morbis curantur | qui potest excitare morbos et contrarios | ille Verus Medicus'
'Systema morborum'
Carl von Linné 1707-1778