Adriaan van Royen to Carl Linnaeus

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Adriaan van Royen to Carl Linnaeus

Sent from location Leiden, Netherlands
Letter date 14 October 1740

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L0412 from Royen, Adriaan van to Linnaeus, Carl (14 October 1740 )

Metadata for L0412 from Royen, Adriaan van to Linnaeus, Carl (14 October 1740 ) Close

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Item Type: Document
Additional Information:
Note typeNote
ConservationR.h.edge recto crumpled and discol. Remnants of seal in 4 places on verso. Ink smudged on address.
Letter ref: L0412
Volume: 12
Number of Pages: 277
From: Royen, Adriaan van
Sent from location: Leiden, Netherlands
To: Linnaeus, Carl
Date speculative: No
Letter date: 14 October 1740