Item data
Item Type:
Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson
Sent from:
Bungay, Suffolk
Smith, Sir James Edward
Sent to location:
Thanks for Smith's London hospitality and the valuable books. Notes on his specimens following comparison with Linnaean plants, including: 'Silene conica', 'Urtica baleanica', and 'Turritis hirsuta'. [John] Pitchford keen to compare Linnaeus' specimens with Ray's. [William] Withering does not expect information from the Linnaean collections and as Smith intends to publish offers to return the observations Smith previously sent. Smith's father wants Smith to finish his medical studies before doing anything with the collections; Woodward recommends publishing now so Smith's name as proprietor is known.
Recommends Smith leave the 3 herbarium cases at Norwich during his Edinburgh absence for security and so that he can compare the grasses for Smith; recommends not consulting [James] Crowe as he is unwilling to hear any difference of opinion. If he intends to recommends selling the fossils now; comments on fossils he wants from Jeans. [John] Lightfoot suggests that 'Saxifraga autumnalis' and 'S. aizoides' are the same. Requests specimen of 'Anthericum calyculatum', observations on 'Arenaria larcifolia' not being 'A. verna'.
Letter date:
23 Apr 1785
Prev Ref No:
Additional Information:
Note type | Note |
Related Material | For Smith's reply of 19 May 1785, see JES/COR/18/20. |
Additional | Smith replied 19 May [1785] |