Henry Fox Talbot, Corfu, to Sir James Edward Smith

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Ref No GB-110/JES/COR/10/10
Title Henry Fox Talbot, Corfu, to Sir James Edward Smith
Letter date 10 Apr 1826
Author(s) William Henry Fox Talbot 1800-1877
Number of Pages 3

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GB-110/JES/COR/10/10 from Henry Fox Talbot, Corfu, to Sir James Edward Smith (10 April 1826)

Metadata for GB-110/JES/COR/10/10 from Henry Fox Talbot, Corfu, to Sir James Edward Smith (10 April 1826) Close

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Item Type: Document
From: Talbot, William Henry Fox
Sent from: Corfu
To: Smith, Sir James Edward

Continues account of the vegetation of Corfu. Has only explored the environs of the city, but told of "extraordinary" plants in the remoter parts of the island by director of the botanic gardens, including: 'Echium giganteum'; 'Othonna pectinata' and another 'Othonna'; 'Osteospermum piliferum' and 'Osteospermum moniliferum'; 'Nolana prostrata'; 'Chrysocoma coma-aurea'; and a yellow climber, either 'Dolichos' or 'Crotalaria'.
His discoveries: characters of two new 'Euphorbia' resembling 'Euphorbia peplus' and 'Euphorbia exigua'; and found a large white-flowered 'Lithospermum'; 'Stachys spinulosa ?' with white flowers; 'Veronica syriaca'; 'Phleum felinum ?'; 'Convolvulus tenissimus'; 'Crambe corvini' (not in "Prodromus [Florae Graecae]"); 'Lotus tetragonolobus'; 'Lathyrus setifolius'; 'Bunias erucago'; 'Ornithopus scorpioides'; 'Andropogon distachyon'; 'Aristolochia rotunda'; 'Allium subhirsutum'; 'Urospermum picroides'; 'Hesperis verna'; 'Rhagadiolus stellatus'; 'Polypodium leptophyllum ?'; 'Anthyllis tetraphylla'; 'Euphorbia amygdaloides', abundant (not in "Prodromus [Florae Graecae]"); a 'Geranium' with large flesh-coloured flowers; 'Vicca bithynica'; 'Coronilla securidaca'; etc. About to visit island of Santa Maura, the ancient Leucadia.

Letter date: 10 Apr 1826
Languages: English
Prev Ref No: 10.19
Additional Information:
Note typeNote
Finding AidsDawson, W R, (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society.
Publn NoteSmith, P (ed.), (1832). "Memoir and correspondence of... Sir James Edward Smith" London: Longman, vol 2, pp.297-298; this transcript includes a postscript on 'Umbelliferae' taken from Talbot's letter of 27 Aug 1826, JES/COR/10/11. Online transcription of this letter and others between Talbot and Smith, including Smith's replies, available at http://www.foxtalbot.dmu.ac.uk/letters/name.php?bcode=Smit-JE&pageNo=0.
Related MaterialFor Talbot's previous letter on Corfu's flora, see JES/COR/10/9. Sibthorp, J, and Smith, J E, (1806-1813). "Florae Graecae prodromus: sive plantarum omnium enumeratio, quas in provinciis aut insulis Graeciae invenit Johannes Sibthorp... Characteres et synonyma omnium cum annotationibus elaboravit Jacobus Edvardus Smith." Londinum: [printer:] Taylor.