Heteroclita dichotoma

Item data

Item Type: Image
Family Gentianaceae
Genus Heteroclita
Species dichotoma
Date of document circa1800

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LINN MS/402D/17/1 Heteroclita dichotoma (Buchanan Hamilton - Mysore)

Metadata for LINN MS/402D/17/1 Heteroclita dichotoma (Buchanan Hamilton - Mysore) Close

Item data

Item Type: Image
Genus: Heteroclita
Species: dichotoma
Additional Information:
Note typeNote
Catalogue entryMS/402, p.26, sp.35
DocumentationHeteroclita dichotoma [B.]
DocumentationName changed to Exacum diffusum Willd.
DocumentationCurrent name and authority: Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (Gentianaceae)
Physical descriptionDrawn with Fagara asamadilla (MS/402D/17/2)
Physical descriptionWatercolour drawing attributed to Bengali artist Haludar.
Geography: Mysore (Mysuru)

Derived data

Family: Gentianaceae