Zoological taxonomic determinations of fishes, written on loose sheets, with one genus per sheet, with a folder entitled 'Pisces' in Linnaeus's hand. The genera names were inscribed on the page before information gleaned from readings was filled in the spaces allocated to each genus (between a page, half, and third of a page depending on the perceived importance of the genus). Most of the genera are left undescribed. Under 'Apis' Linnaeus (later?) inserted a reference to "Afhandling om bin, af herr d'Aubenton, utdragen utur den nyligen utkomna dictionaire de l'encyclopedie, och på swenska öfwersatt" (Stockholm, 1754). Under 'Scarabeus' is a reference to Löfling's voyage to Spain (1751-1754).
- general notes on insects at the front and at the back, list of main insect genera. One double folio entitled 'Insecta' also bears the description of 'Vermes'.
- Taxonomic determinations of the following genera:
'Leptura', 'Cerambyx', 'Carabus', 'Dytiscus', 'Cicindela', 'Buprestis', 'Notopeda', 'Cantharis', 'Forsicula', 'Blatta', 'Locusta', 'Chrysomela', 'Staphylinus', 'Meloe', 'Mordella', 'Formica', 'Culex', 'Tipula', 'Cicada', 'Cimex', 'Notenecta', 'Hepa', 'Aphis', 'Coccos', 'Pulex', 'Podura', 'Pediculus', 'Acarus', 'Araneus', 'Scorpio', 'Gyrinus', 'Curculio', 'Necydalis', 'Ephemera', 'Hemerobius', 'Panorpa', 'Raphidia', 'Apis', 'Scarabaeus', 'Dermestes', 'Coccinella', 'Cassida', 'Cancer', 'Monoculus', 'Papilio', 'Libellula', 'Ichneumon', 'Musca', 'Tabanus', 'Oestrum', 'Oniscus', 'Scolopendra'.