File containing various sheets on mineralogy and metallurgy:
- quarto sheet: metallurgical notes: starts with 'chymia & ignam...', with headings 'Docimasia', 'object', 'usus'.
- quarto sheet on the kingdoms of nature, starting 'Docui naturam...' and focusing on 'Regnum Laipdeum' on the reverse.
- folio sheet headed with 'Venus. Libido, Amor, societas, Agilitas'. Contains notes on fate, including a quotation from Seneca "Quaestiones naturales" 3 ('alternae sunt vices rerum', 'the conditions of life alternate'). This might be related to Linnaeus's work on "Nemesis divina".
- 2 folio sheets with the same watermark, and containing information on creation, the earth, and some mineralogical notes. Possible drafts for an introduction to "Systema naturae" (post 6th edition, 1748). Headed '3 Regnum, 3 generation, Libido, Formes, Anxietas, multiplica[ti]o, Proportio'. Some crossing out.
- Folio sheet entitled 'Praelectio 3': fragment of a lecture on the 'Regnum lapideum'.
- Folio sheet entitled 'Methodus': introduction to a lecture on mineralogy.
Mineralogical notes
Carl von Linné 1707-1778