Double folio sheet with descriptions of zoological and botanical genera and species.
Includes descriptions of species of birds (genera include "Falco", "Tetrao", "Loxia", "Turdus"), amphibians ("Lacerta", "Rana"), insects ("Tabanus", "Acarus"). These descriptions appear in print in "Systema naturae" 10th edition, 1758.
Botanical descriptions in Solander's hand (includes the genera "Oosterdykia", "Bythnera", which was crossed out and replaced with "Solandra" by Linnaeus). The botanical notes feature in "Genera plantarum" 6th edition, 1764 and in "Species plantarum" 2nd edition, 1762.
The notes were therfore written between 1754 ("Genera plantarum", 5th edition) and 1758 ("Systema naturae", 10th edition)
Zoological and botanical descriptions
Carl von Linné 1707-1778