List of 'promovendi' students to receive the degree of Medical Doctor at the conferment of honours in 1772.
With biographical notices, which include date of birth, name and occupation of father, year and title of dissertation.
The students are:
1. Ernst Joachim (Magnus) von Heidenstam (1745-1803);
2. Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828);
3. Johan Martin Reftelins (Reftelius) (1740-1799);
4. Henric Gahn (1747-1816);
5. Adolf Murray (1751-1803);
6. Adolph Fredric Wedenberg (1743-1828);
7. Pehr Cornelius Tillaeus (1747-1827);
8. Johan Lindwall (1743-1796);
Johan Peter Falk (1732-1774) is also mentioned but not attributed a number.
On the reverse, botanical descriptions of the genus Fragonia and the species "Lichen bugressi".
List of 'promovendi' students
Carl von Linné 1707-1778