Lectures notes from Linnaeus pater's private lectures on medicinal plants. The lectures were delivered in the autumn term of 1754, and Linnaeus fil.'s notes augmented during lectures on the same subject in the autum term 1757.
Title page: 'PRAELECTIONES | PRIVATAE | Illustrissimi et Carissimi | Parentis | in | Propriam Materiam Medicam | de Plantis | Semestri autumnali Anni 1754 | annotatae | a Carolo Linnaeo. Fil. | Pars 1. | Aucta melius anno 1757 Hösttermin | a | Carl Linnaeus.'
The original notes were paginated by Linnaeus fil. The notes were later interleaved with notes from further lectures attended in 1757 and perhaps later.
The order and genera numbers follow Linné, Carl von. 1749. "Materia medica Liber I de plantis". Stockholm. The notes beging at 8. "Salicornia" and finish with 277. "Hepatica". Incomplete: pp. (of Linnaeus fil.'s pagination) 13-16 and 51-63 are missing.
A few ink drawings.
'Praelectiones privatae ... in propriam materiam medicam de plantis ... Pars 1'
Carl von Linné 1741-1783