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Plant descriptions for another 'decade' ('decas') of the 'Plantae rariores horti Upsaliensis', with 13 drawings. Genera include:
ff. 1-3: Achyranthes (seeds sent by Peter Forsskål (1732-1763) in 1763)
f. 4: Actea
f. 5: Amellus
ff. 6-7: Cacalia,with pencil drawing
ff. 8-9: Centaurea
f. 10: Cheiranthus (sent by Peter Forsskål (1732-1763))
ff. 11-12: Corchorus
f. 13: Amellus
ff. 14-15: Crucianella, with pencil drawing, both sheets attached by a pin
f. 16: Dianthus
f. 17: Glycine
f. 18: Hieracium
f. 19: list of 10 plant species for a new decade of 'Plantae rariores horti Upsaliensis'
ff. 20-21: Justicia, with pencil drawing, both sheets attached by a pin
ff. 22-23: Lotus, with pencil drawing and pin holes indicating that both sheets were once attached by a pin
ff. 24-25: Mollugo, with pencil drawing
ff. 26-27: Myagrum, with pencil drawing
ff. 28-29: Pandanus
ff. 30-31: Panicum, with pencil drawing
f. 32: Portulaca
f. 33: Reaumuria
ff. 34-35: Salvia
f. 36: Achyranthes
f. 37: Saponaria
f. 38: Salvia
ff. 39-40: Scrophularia, with pencil drawing, both sheets attached by a pin
ff. 41-42: Statice, with pencil drawing
f. 43: Tradescantia
f. 44: Cucurbita
f. 45: pencil drawing of unnamed plant
f. 46: Volkameria
f. 47: Zizania
ff. 48-49: notes on Delphinium, Tanacetum, Cheiranthes, Asser, Cucurbita, Scabiosa
ff. 50-52: untitled descriptions of unnamed plants
ff. 53-57: drawings, mostly pencil and unnamed. Includes Cardamine (f. 54), and a painting of "Coryza aurila" (f. 56, name of plant in Linnaeus pater's handwriting)
f. 58: blank
Plant descriptions for other 'Decas'
Carl von Linné 1741-1783
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